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3 Things to Test on Your Landing Pages

Landing pages are ideal when running paid marketing campaigns. By sending the traffic to a page that is created specifically for generating leads, you have an advantage over sending this traffic to a website where the user can easily get lost and leave without converting.

Combining the landing page strategy with ongoing A/B testing, allows you to consistently improve the results you get from your campaigns.

In the digital marketing world, the concept of testing is often thrown around but not executed on very well.

We put together 3 things to test with new landing pages. In general it's a good idea to start with larger tests when first launching a campaign, before you start testing small things like button color.

1. Call to Action/Conversion Goal

Start with the CTA as one of the larger things to test. By testing ‘top-down’ and focusing on big picture things first you can start out with a better performing page right out of the gate.

The CTA should relate directy to the conversion objective of the landing page.

Examples of CTA's are:

  1. Download a white paper or PDF
  2. Request a demonstration of the product

  3. Sign up for a free trial

These should line up with how you respond to the action taken as well. If you are going to go with ‘request demo’, you need to make sure you have marketing automation in place to assign the leads to a product specialist or salesperson that can reach out right away.

2. Social Proof:

Testimonials from current clients are a great way to support the conversion goal of your landing page. Visitors to your landing page will love the internal reinforcement they get when reading these.

Badges, awards, and certifications are also great to highlight as well as # of customers and any other stats you might have. The added trust you get from having social proof elements on a landing page are proven to increase conversion rates.

3. Headline:

The H1 headline is one of the most key elements of your landing page. It’s what the visitor reads first, and can often mean the difference between a bounce and a conversion.

The main principle is having the headline sync up to what was clicked on in the ad. 

For example, Bob clicked a Facebook ad offering a 14-day free trial of a subscription coffee service - the headline needs to match that copy as closely as possible.


These are 3 elements that should be tested right out of the gate with your new landing page. Once you find the (statistically valid) champion, put together a new design to test against the current winner.

Happy testing!